Monday, December 19, 2011

Music: What Child Is This? By John Michael Talbot

From Denny: John Michael Talbot is a monastic of the Brothers and Sisters Charity. I first heard of him years ago when he had taken a vow of silence for a year but was allowed to perform his music.

His voice has a soothing peaceful quality.  He has certainly studied his share of the world's religions and it is that knowledge and understanding that brings a richness to his music.

From his album, "The Birth Of Jesus" recorded with the National Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of London, the Ambrosian Men's Choir, and the Junior Boys Choir of Desborough School.

(Check out the link to his name to learn more about him.)

first post

time to gather all my christmas posts from all the blogs and park them here!   you know it's time to start another blog when you have 100 posts on one theme.  :)